About us

Hey there!

Let me introduce me, myself & I.

My name is Sewrachdai Ramdas, people might know me as Parwatie, I'm a twin and I'm  31 years young. Im happily married with my husband, we have 2 kids and we live in The Netherlands(Europe). I have studied middle management. As far... I'm a very creative person who is interested in a lot of things such as drawing/painting, creating things. These are just some of the things I like and love to do. I have an huge passion for the little things in life.

Sewrachdai was the name of my grandmother(my father's mom). It's an unique  name which you won't hear that fast. Since I haven't met my grandparents in my life I still feel very strong connected to them. I found Sewrachdai such a great name for my unique handmade gifts,  in a way I feel honored to carry her along in my life and in my journey. I personally feel very proud that today I'm able to make some dreams come true with her on my side.


I designed and made my own logo. It represent an angel in which I believe to be my "LifeGuide". I believe we all have gaurdian angels who guide us throughout our life journey, you just need to hear it! It also represents the Hindu God Ganesh, the son of God Shiva & Goddess Parvati. This comes from my religion which I grew up with. Last but not least is the beautiful lotus flower which combines all the beauty throughout life together.


Sewrachdai Handmade Gifts